Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Smartphones: The Ultimate Resource (Article Review #5)

Article Title
"Cell Phones Becomin The Go-To Device for Online Activities, Banking and More"

Article Author
Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai

Article Publication Date
November 26, 2012

URL of Original Article

Article Summary
This article highlights the immense growth in smartphone usage as well as the dependancy of Americans. The article uses results from studies conducted this year compared to results from 2007-2008.

Relevance to the Class
It is important to note the dependency of our audience on mobile devices in order for us to understand their usability habits as well as the devices we must design and develop for. 

Key Quote
"One in two people now check their email on their phone, up from 19% in 2007 and the number of Americans surfing the web on-the-go has doubled too, going from 25% in 2008 to 56% today. "

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